The prices below are base prices ( excl. VAT) and could vary depending on which photographer you book. The pictures are, in general, delivered the following business day


From €145
Delivered next business day

Clear, informative photography with the intention to give a correct presentation of your object to a potential buyer. The package starts at 5 images with the possibility to add more.

Extra Care
From €245
Delivered next business day

The photographer spend more time to illustrate and present the objects unique selling points with focus on the lifestyle the object offers a potential buyer. The package starts at 5 images and more images can easily be added.

Magazine Look
From €415
Allow min. 2 business days for delivery

The Magazine Look package is suitable for your high end objects. It shows the object in the most desirable way possible, WITH inspiration from the visual style of lifestyle and architectural magazines. Starting at 10 images, more images for larger objects can be added as needed.

From €210
Allow min. 2 business days for delivery

Take your clients on a discovery tour through the object to see what they can expect.

Drone pictures ONLY
From €165
Delivered next business day

Drone pictures provides a unique overview of the object and the immediate vicinity.

Drone pictures (with Photo shoot)
From €50
Delivered next business day

Book your image package and then chose the add-on; “Drone pictures (ONLY in combination with regular photo shoot or video film)”

Contact us for a price discussion

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3D & 2D Floor plans
Contact us for more details

Meet us
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A floor plan really helps your customers understand the homes they are looking at. Our floor plan service is the fastest in Luxembourg and you can choose from a wide range of different looks.

Sit down with us to discuss how we can work together for you to look good in the eyes of your clients.

Free photo shoot
Only for new clients…


We offer a complimentary “Standard”photo shoot with 10 pictures, for you to try us out before we start working together. Just make a booking and we meet up at the object.